Product and Market Validation

Validate or die! Test, test and test again. Sound helps you test in 3 steps, whether there is a market need, what that need looks like, and to what extent your idea, product or service can satisfy that need. Sound can help you stop wondering what (and if) you should build and if people will actually want to buy it. We enable you to make a Sound choice when it comes to validating your idea.

One of the most important aspects of launching a new service or entering a new market is validating that there is a need for what you offer. There is nothing more discouraging than spending your time and money creating a product that you think customers will love, only to realize that there’s no interest when you go to market. Doing this yourself can prove difficult – it is not uncommon to have tunnel vision and be blind to the negative aspects. Sound will help you validate, it’s what we do and love. 

We help you validate through product and market discovery, competitive analysis and interviews. Our experts will help you to discover what the right track is by creating a problem definition, exploring, solutioning and prototyping to define a product or market that is valuable, useful and feasible. 

Then we will explore and analyze the current market and competitive landscape to help you mitigate risk and build confidence in your idea. Sound will evaluate the market for your product to ensure there’s enough demand to build a viable business. 

We will iteratively help you meet your customer and other stakeholders. Through interviews Sound will help inform product and market decisions by validating problems, solutions and pain points. Through asking the right questions, we can determine if your idea solves a big problem, who your potential buyers are, and ultimately whether or not there’s a market for your product.

We’ll help you every step of the way by testing for you if there is a need, what that need looks like, and to what extent your idea fits that need. Don’t gamble, but validate!

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